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Home / Wikipedia / YE3 series Electric Motor for Water Pump

YE3 series Electric Motor for Water Pump

YE3 motor is a high-efficiency induction motor that combines advanced technology and energy-saving performance. This motor has been widely used in various industries such as engineering, construction, manufacturing, and many others. The YE3 motor is recognized as a top-class product that delivers reliable and efficient performance, making it the ideal choice for any business that requires maximum power and minimal energy consumption. YE3(IE3) motor with high efficiency, use IC411 cooling and copper wire,brand bearing, S1 continuous duty. Motor protection is IP55, and class F.Motor body material can be cast iron or aluminum under frame 160, above frame 160, the motor body is cast iron material. Common installtion has 4 styles, B3,B5,B35,V14. .In addition to energy efficiency, reliability, and durability, the YE3 motor also excels in terms of safety. It is designed according to the latest safety standards and is equipped with advanced protection features, such as overcurrent protection, overload protection, and short circuit protection. This ensures that the motor operates safely and can withstand any unexpected incidents.